Simon Horton (1746-1773)

Simon Horton was born in Southold, Long Island on March 30, 1711. He graduated from Yale College when he was 20 years old. His first pastorate was in the Presbyterian Church at Springfield and Connecticut Farms, New Jersey before moving to Newtown in 1746, at the age of 35. He was said to have a medium height and solemn character.

Horton's first wife Abigail died on May 5, 1752. Ten years passed before he married Elizabeth Fish, daughter of Samuel Fish. They had one daughter, Phebe.

Horton served at FPCN for 26 years. Although Queens was mostly pro-British, Newtown remained true to its liberal roots; he staunchly supported the colonies. He actively participated in the bitter political climate prior to the American Revolution. (The British press labeled the Revolution the "Presbyterian's War").

Although a man of piety and good character, some members of the FPCN congregation began to complain that Horton's preaching was dull and unattractive. Some claimed he spent too much attention to his farm and suggested that he had lost the passion of his youth after 25 years in the same pulpit. Horton resigned in 1773.

Horton left Newtown when it was occupied by the British and moved to Warwick, New Jersey. He returned to Newtown after the Revolution ended to live with his son-in-law, Judge Benjamin Coe. Simon Horton died on May 8, 1786.