Pastor's Message (April 2015)

Created: Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy Easter!

Since my arrival on March 15; my family and I had the blessing to journey with you the last few weeks in Lent, gathered anew through Holy week, along with being blessed by our magnificent music ministry. We are now ready to celebrate Easter, with all its joy and proclamation of the good news of Christ’ resurrection, a victory He won for our sake.

As I reflect upon this new beginning of my life; it is still so beyond my dream, a dream only God knew how to keep alive. God’s ways continues to amaze and surprise, in ways sometimes beyond our own grasp of understanding. I am excited beyond words to be here and now, and just as excited to what God has in store for us as a church family.

As God’s holy and free Spirit moves in our lives, there will be opportunities to discover and re-discover. One of the areas is through Bible study; how one connects and re-connects with Scripture. My prayerful hope is to have regular meetings for Bible study where we will have the opportunity to study scripture and together make personal discoveries. Youth and children will be offered the same opportunity, so stay tuned for dates and times to be announced.

Other areas I like to highlight are connecting with our neighbors and friends in the community. There are many and varied ways one can connect, as I’ve already had the joy of making and taking time to do so. During my first 3 weeks, thus far, I’ve had spiritually rewarding, as well as interesting experiences in networking with my new neighborhood! Being a people-person; this will surely be an ongoing process!

From my heart to yours; it is an honor and a blessing to have been called to this church family. I am looking forward to get to know you, and long to see what the next chapter of lives together holds. Wishing you and yours a wonderful time this Easter season.

In Christ,
Pastor Anette