FPCN Observes Memorial Day and Pentecost

Created: Sunday, May 24, 2015

Pentecost and Memorial Sunday was a day to remember on Sun., May 24 at FPCN.

Our Pentecost worship service started with a processional Prelude with the American Flag presented by U.S. Navy veteran and FPCN member James Feggins, accompanied by Boy Scout Clint Westermark. The Newtown Puppets was performed by the children (who had made their own puppets) featuring the story of the Coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-21), with FPCN Music Director Jonathan Breit and Chancel Choir assisting for special effects.

A special Memorial Day outdoor service following the worship service was held in the front lawn in front of the church flagpost and memorial stone. James shared a few thoughts to honor and salute our veterans in his own words.