Pastor's Message (July 2015)

Created: Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A few months since my arrival, time seems just to have gone so rapidly. I cannot help but think about the many new connections my family and I have made in and beyond the community of Elmhurst, Queens. Needless to say, this city is a never-ending journey of meeting new people as well as discovering new places. It’s fun, exciting, and ever so rewarding, especially if you are a people-person like me! I welcome each new day as a gift from God, who gives me the blessing of welcoming unlimited energy and possibilities anew!

With July before us, we welcome the opportunity to expand and enhance our weekly activities with a 12:00 noon mid-week time of prayer service in our beautiful sanctuary. We will set aside a time for spiritual formation to nurture us right where we are.

As we together continue our faith journey, we’re also exploring endless possibilities of what God can do when the heart is right. As called upon believers, there is always a new window of opportunity through which we can grow as a spiritually healthy community of faith.  

Having said this, when we are connected in, with, and through our faith, spiritual formation takes place – a time and place when we allow ourselves to grow closer to God and each other. We invite the Spirit to connect and sometimes re-connect us to where we need to be. There is always a moment in time in which God grants us to explore our personal faith journey. There are no limitations - only believe, trust, and claim Him whose name is wonderful, and in whose being we belong no matter where we go, or where we’ll be.

May the Spirit shine through your heart, as you are a living testimony of God’s love!

In Christ,
Pastor Anette