FPCN Dedicates New Room for Newtown Puppets

Created: Monday, February 1, 2016

During the worship service on Sun., Jan. 31, Pastor Anette dedicated a newly renovated space in our sanctuary balcony as a space for our Newtown Puppets children's ministry.

Cruz plaque 2016 01 31
Custodian Richard Cruz receives a plaque for his work creating the space for our Newtown Puppets children's minstry.

Pastor Anette dedicated the space with a prayer and a short litany recited with the congregation. Before dedicating the space, Pastor Anette presented Custodian Richard Cruz with a plaque thanking him for his work in renovating the space. Richard not only designed and built the tables by hand but also created a closet for the Newtown Puppets to store their material.

The Newtown Puppets, made up of members of our youth, have been periodically performing spiritually themed puppet shows during the morning worship service since Pastor Anette arrived last year. Their next performance will take place in March.