Pastor's Monthly Letter (August 2016)

Created: Monday, August 1, 2016

Dear Friends,
As we enter another month of summer this season, I hope you’ve been able to enjoy your time with friends and family. Though summer may move us to seek comfort in air conditioned areas, the outdoors has much to offer. There is the sunshine, the ocean, the inviting sandy beaches, all signs of God’s wonderful creation. In addition, for the second year my family and I feel blessed to see the church garden grow, and thank God for those whose time, talent, passion, and effort are being devoted to help it all come to pass.

My continued education event out west on ecumenical relations was an amazing experience - one which has broadened my appreciation and most certainly taken me to a new high! It was enlightening, to say the least, especially in terms of efforts that have been made toward dismantling borders across denominations that often seem to divide instead of unite.

Our Children’s Puppet and Theater workshop, the “Newtown Puppets,” took their latest production Proud to be a Christian and performed on Elmhurst’s Broadway on June 11 at the Clement C. Moore Park in Elmhurst. We are proud to share that the debut was successful, and appreciated by the audience! Our children and youth did a great job, sharing the Gospel with their adorable voices and hand-made puppets to our neighbors and friends in the community.  All in all, a fun-filled day!

June 26 through July 2 was when 15 of us went on a youth mission trip to Illinois. This became an ever so spiritually rewarding time, with special memories to treasure for life. The heartfelt warm welcome by the community as a whole was priceless indeed!  Beautiful connections and new friendships were made – what a tremendous joy indeed! I am proud to share that every participant on our trip made the best and most of their invested time. I would also like to take the opportunity on behalf of our youth to express my sincere thanks to all for your prayers and financial support help raising the funds needed. Thank you!!!

Be blessed, know who and whose you are!

In Christ,
Pastor Anette