Pastor's Monthly Article (March 2017)

Created: Wednesday, March 1, 2017

First a highlight: our children’s puppet theater and workshop, the Newtown Puppets, received an invitation to perform at a local furniture store right here in Elmhurst as part of their community outreach program. The show took place last month on a Thursday evening before a very enthusiastic and cheering audience of local children and their families. It brings me great pride and joy to share that our children did a great job performing! Our puppet ministry was also presented with a most generous donation which will enable us to build a larger portable stage – God is great!

This being our puppet ministry’s third tour, more opportunities are to be expected as we’ve already have received more invitations. From our own church to other local churches, stores, and Broadway (i.e. the street in Elmhurst), the sky’s the limit!  I would also like to take the opportunity to commend co-directors Millie McDonald and Ann Redican for all of their time, effort, and talent. Stay tuned - a performance of the latest production of “In the World of Pillows” will take place on March 12 in church. Thank you to all who support this fun-filled ministry where yes, only the “sky’s the limit”!

Beginning our Lenten journey with an outlook for the 40 days gives us the opportunity to explore anew our personal relationship with God.  Devoting one’s time to fast and pray is an ancient practice many still honor and live by today. The practice seeks to help one’s focus without the temptation of worldly distractions. However, whatever we do, and whatever or however we pray, we should do in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Hence, in our Lord’s name alone, there’s enough power to break down any barriers. Rest assured, we are serving a God with unlimited possibilities and without limitations!

With the liturgical color of purple, we are reminded of the royalty of Christ, i.e., the kingship of our Lord and Savior. We can come to Him just as we are, with all of our faults, errors, frailties, and weary hearts. Our Lord is an awesome God who seeks us out and who patiently waits for the Spirit’s transformation to occur. Having said this, it’s never our moment, but God’s alone. God selects the perfect time and place. God is, and will always be, in charge.

Wherever life’s journey may take us, our faith will depend on God’s moving us through and through - hence it is our calling to trust God. People may disappoint and hurt us, never so with the Lord, though the steadfastness of His merciful love remains true every day.

May this Lenten journey bring you closer to God, depending upon the Spirit’s direction.

In Christ,
Pastor Anette