Pastor's Monthly Message (January 2018)

Created: Monday, January 1, 2018

It’s a New Year!

Already at the threshold to a new year, it’s 2018 with another 365 days to take on, live, and enjoy! Wrapping up the past may be easier said than done, though the best of the best of special moments are the ones to be treasured. As my late grandmother would say, “it’s not the years of time past, but the days we remember that count.” Likewise, it’s what we put into life that matters.

Having said this, one of the most beautiful and spiritually rewarding moments for me this past year was the invitation extended by the Diocese of Karlstad in Sweden. The work mission study gave me the opportunity to explore and have an active hands-on experience with a focus on assisting and supporting refugees and families seeking asylum. The Church of Sweden - like the PC(USA), a member of the World Council of Churches - continues to have a close partnership with the Red Cross as well as other established organizations. The success of it all speaks for itself, so together, the result of the efforts is priceless!

On a congregational level, as well as in the community here is Elmhurst, Queens, every day is a little adventure in itself, though I don’t know what God has in store. I trust, though, that it has to be good – God is good all the time! To be given the gift of waking up, welcoming another day, of exploring and living!

In light of all of this, attitude is everything! With a positive outlook, our mindset is dressed for clarity, and with faith upon God to lead our heart, we’ll have the potential for spiritual growth. Have no doubt - all of our lives have purpose and meaning. Left to ourselves, we may be weak, but within the unity of all believers, we’re strong.

With a new year comes the gift of new opportunities to connect and re-connect to each other in Christian friendship and love. With our trust in God, we’re never on a road-less journey!

May the New Year bring you blessings beyond what you’ve ever imagined – explore, live, and yes, do enjoy!

Pastor Anette