Pastor's Monthly Article (February 2018)

Created: Thursday, February 1, 2018

Well on our way into the New Year, and perhaps with one or more resolutions on our “must do list,” time goes on, sometimes seemingly way too fast. In addition, we may do our best to honor commitments we’ve made. However, intentions are only genuine when the heart is in the right place. Whatever we do and say, may it bring glory to the Lord our God who calls us to care for another in Christian friendship and love. It’s the new commandment the Lord entrusted His disciples with, i.e., “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34 NRSV)

The Lenten journey invites us to explore and cease moments of prayer and meditation. These moments hold the potential of spiritual growth as they enhance the fellowship of all believers. With our annual worship service of the imposition of ashes, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the long journey ahead. This could be a most spiritually rewarding time, as Christians around the world are encouraged to take time for penitence and self reflection. Many blessings may come when our focus is on the ONE who gave the ultimate sacrifice by offering Himself in exchange for our sin.

In life’s many journeys, God places us where and when we God needs us to be. Likewise, when God presents us with a difficult task, we’re still where God needs us to be. In every chapter of our lives, though some may make us feel perplexed, even to the point of finding ourselves immobilized, there are reasons for which we may not or never be able to understand. At all times, we have the gift to trust God with all matters of life. Rest assured, the Lord God is sole creator, redeemer, and designer of the blue print of our life. Our names are written in the Lord’s book of life!

My prayers for the time ahead will be focused on the unity of all people. The more united we are as a local entity, the more potential we’ll have to unite as one people, under God, visible and with peace and justice for all. Indeed, as the season of Lent comes upon us, may we take time to reflect, meditate and thus be spiritually refreshed in Christ our Lord!

In Christ,
Pastor Anette