Pastor's Monthly Message (September 2018)

Created: Sunday, September 2, 2018

Dear Friends,

Having returned from an unforgettable, life-changing experience overseas, my cup of joy overflows! This heartmoving experience has been one I never thought was possible. My family also shared in this experience.

By now you may already have learned that my family and I will be moving back to my native country of Sweden where I have accepted a call with the Diocese of Karlstad. This move is by far a major change in our lives, when you consider that we’ve lived 25 of our years in this amazing and beautiful country with its unlimited possibilities.

Having said this, I never anticipated moving back to a country where God didn’t need my time, effort, and spiritual gifts. However, God’s Holy Spirit proved me wrong and led me to discern this prayerful decision over a period of 10 months.

With the Spirit’s move and direction, I’ve come to experience a blessing and a joy upon my heart that I cannot begin to fully express in words, which tells me this is extraordinarily divine.

Furthermore, never before have I ever felt a stronger sense of belonging to a ministry God has prepared me greatly during my 3 years and 7 months faithfully serving as your Pastor as well as being an active leader in the community.

With September before us, we anticipate the coming of Fall with all of its breathless beauty. Few times of the year brings us as much as anticipated change as this season. Considering the long period of hot and humid days this summer, I believe we’re ready to welcome cooler days ahead!

With my upcoming departure in October, I will continue to faithfully serve you with all the love, energy, and passion the Spirit has entrusted in me. Therefore, may the time before us continue to inspire and motivate our church’s many active ministries, and may the Spirit continue to move through and through within our hearts - ready to respond when the Spirit of God calls. Rest assured, He will.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Anette