It's Easter - Hallelujah! (Weekly Devotional)

Created: Sunday, April 5, 2015

Weekly devotional based upon the sermon of Sun. Apr. 5, 2015

God made it happen - God kept the blessed promise of a Son who would redeem the world once and for all. Jesus Christ paid for all of our sins, rest assured, no one left out. Through the redeemer's own sacrifice of giving His life for us, we too are alive in, with, and through Him. More so, we’ve been granted life eternal, that as God's redeemed children, we'll be enjoying an endless life. God raises us to live life anew, i.e., body, mind, soul, and spirit, into a whole complete new person in Christ.

The resurrected Jesus - our Lord and Savior - won the victory for you and me, and to Him alone we can come as we are. Let’s celebrate - it's Easter. Hallelujah!