He is Risen! (Weekly Devotional)

Created: Sunday, March 27, 2016

Weekly devotional based on the sermon of Sun., Mar. 27, 2016

It’s Easter – Hallelujah! With Christ’s threefold and triumphant victory over death, we celebrate with all Christians around the world. In, with, and through Christ we have our being, and with the Lord leading us forth through and through, our life has purpose.

With the miracle of life over death, we do know and proclaim the mystery of faith, i.e., Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again! Rest assured, with God there are endless possibilities, which is why we should never limit God. Having said this, though, if we limit God, we also limit our trust and hope in God. Hence with God, all things are possible!

Wishing you and yours a most blessed Easter,
Pastor Anette