Great Is He - Our King! (Weekly Devotional)

Created: Monday, November 21, 2016

Weekly devotional based on the sermon of Sun., Nov. 20, 2016

In light of Christ the King Sunday, our steadfastness is pending on our faithfulness. Thus, when we allow ourselves to be led and guided by the One whose loving care goes beyond all understanding, good things come about. He who conquered death and won the victory on our behalf reigns forevermore within the heart of everyone who confesses Him as Savior and loving ruler of all.

With the harvest time of celebrating Thanksgiving approaching, rest assured that our Lord and King stands at each closed door, rapping for admittance to the heart of the beholder. When Christ the King is at your heart's door, asking "May I come in?," what will your answer be?

May the Lord our King bless you and yours this Thanksgiving time,
Pastor Anette