Living in Hope (Weekly Devotional)

Created: Sunday, November 27, 2016

Weekly devotional based on the sermon of Sun., Nov. 27, 2016

Waiting anxiously for the Lord’s coming, the season of Advent is now upon us. All who yearn for hope, rest assured - the Lord is coming for you and for me. Great is His mercies and great is His love – no one is excluded from God’s grace.

The one who longs for the Lord waits patiently for His coming. Such is the believer’s faith - longing and holding onto the hope God is given us through Christ the Son. It begins in one’s heart, where and when God’s Holy Spirit moves and transforms. We trust upon the Lord’s sovereign presence with us always, hence he is the potter and we the clay.

May the season of Advent remind of you of God’s gift of hope.

In Christ,
Pastor Anette