Complete Unity (Weekly Devotional)

Created: Sunday, June 11, 2017

Weekly devotional based on the sermon of Sun., Jun. 11, 2017

How majestic is our Lord’s name indeed! The sovereign of His presence is being manifested in three ways: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three beings as one form an equal complete unit, like that of a circle without beginning or end.

In, with, and through Christ, we have our being, the way to the Father, and the direction of the Holy Spirit - a spiritually conscious connection which enables us to reach the serenity of life far beyond our capacity of human understanding. No wonder, for in God’s merciful grace, we are kept and claimed, all equally loved. 

May the unity of the Triune God be with you now and forevermore.
Pastor Anette

Pastor Anette's weekly devotional will resume on Sun., Jul. 2.